BJ Stacey Curador

Entrou: 11 de out. de 2012 Última vez ativo: 27 de set. de 2024 iNaturalist

BJ Stacey passed away on February 24th, 2022. To learn more about BJ and share your memories of him, please view this blog post.

I have enjoyed the natural world for as long as I can remember. Photographing wildlife is just another excuse for me to get out as often as I can to see what Mother Nature has blessed us with. My favorite species wouldn't be a single one, but anything that lives on or in the oceans. I look forward to every trip out on the sea because you simply have no idea what will be there.

All of my observations include media. Initially I was only armed with a camera, but now I am submitting audio too. Short videos in .gif format are another method that I employ from time-to-time and I am looking forward to a time when iNat allows direct video.

Species named in my honor
Amplaria staceyi


  • San Diego State University Natural History Club - Citizen Science in San Diego
  • American Malacological Society and Western Society of Malacologists joint meeting - Adding to the Knowledge of Stylommatophora in San Diego County: Citizen Science Contributions
  • San Diego Natural History Museum - Using Citizen Science Platforms
  • San Diego Field Ornithologists - Finding Birds in the Digital Age
  • Los Angeles Audubon Society - Finding Birds in the Digital Age

Mentions in Papers

  • Morphological Change during Rapid Population Expansion Confounds Leopard Frog Identifications in the Southwestern United States. Copeia (2020) 108 (2): 299–308. Gregory B. Pauly ; Maya C. Shaulsky ; Anthony J. Barley ; Stevie Kennedy-Gold ; Sam C. Stewart ; Sharon Keeney ; Robert C. Thomson

  • Five new records of introduced terrestrial gastropods in southern California discovered by Citizen Science. American Malacological Bulletin, 36(2): 232­–248. Vendetti, J.E., Lee, C. and LaFollette, P. and citizen science participants in SLIME* and BioSCAN.* 2018.


  • San Diego Union-Tribune front page article
  • I've found numerous rare and out of season birds. Accounts published in North American Birds journal along with many photos.
    "Rarest" find most likely is a 1st county record of Great Cormorant for Rowan County, NC.
    "Favorite" would probably be finding my first Bahama Mockingbird in Florida

  • I found a 1st county record of Arctotheca prostrata for San Diego County, CA.
  • I've collected DNA samples of native slugs and snails in Southern California for the SLIME Project run by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
  • Former Board member of San Diego Field Ornithologists

I have a growing home library of field and research guides. Two libraries, one for owned and one for wanted. You can view it at the link below:
This is a great free site to track all of your books. If you start to use this service site please message me. I'm curious how others keep track of all their books.

Birds were my main target species for years but I always tried not to pass up an opportunity to photograph an insect, reptile or other animal and learn more about them. Thanks to iNaturalist my newest interests have come to be herps, mollusks, odes and beetles, plus I have a working knowledge of many southern California plants. I'm getting rusty on the more difficult bird IDs but my overall knowledge has grown vastly.

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