Practiced social distancing by spending my kid's spring break mostly in National Wildlife Refuges and state parks in the lower rio grande valley, with an overnight stop in the hill country on the return trip. Kids are 5 and 7 so they definitely limit what you can see/do a bit but I figure it's worth it to get them out in nature and seeing/experiencing stuff. I've learned they like it a lot more if it involves boardwalks, water they can play in, or really anything tall they can walk across and look out from (and as someone scared to death of heights...ugh!)
My younger loves butterflies and flowers, the older's good at spotting anything at his eye level give or take a foot; saw what sounded like a golden throat warbler from his description (in the Balcones). Also spotted some of the whiptails and the anole from the Balcones.
4 nights in Brownsville, 1.5 days in Marble Falls, photographed a lot of stuff including lifers, and saw several things I didn't manage to photograph (olive sparrows, coyotes galore, the gray hawk were none of my photos turned out).
Does anyone else iNat with kids?
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