Butterfly observations dt 11.09.2022 Tamhini Pune

Celebrating Big butterfly Month India September 2022.

Saturday night I just looked over the sky and it was clear so took a quick decision of visiting Tamhini the very next day. I woke up early morning around 5 am and left for Chandani chowk to catch a red bus which goes to my beautiful and favourite butterfly destination " Tamhini. "

It was a foggy morning but the sunrise happened around 7:30 am. Around 8:30 pm I got down from the bus which I had boarded from C chowk. the sunshine was too bright so thought in mind that today's activity must have already started and yes I was right.

My first sighting started from the female common Mormon from Stichus form and was surprised to see the beauty in their habitat flying from one flower to another nectaring. The monsoon flowers are in full bloom currently which looks like an pink violet carpet spread allover. It's an treat for our eyes to get an beautiful view like this which will be remembered forever.

My observations started from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Had to packup early as it had started raining heavily. By 1 pm had my lunch in the forest itself and walked down to the village bus stand to catch a bus back to Pune. On the way it was pouring heavily and as I reached c chowk

Butterfly observations dt 11.09.2022 Tamhini Pune

Time: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Member: Pavan Damoor

List of species observed

Skippers - 8 species
Brown awl
Branded Swifts
Rice Swift
Water Snow flat
Grass dart
Chestnut angle
Grass demon
Blank Swift

Blues - 7 species
Transparent 6line blue
Common Silverline
Long banded Silverline
Angled Pierrot
Indian Sunbeam female
Dark Cerulean
Tiny grass blue

Metal marks - 1 sp
Double banded Judy

Brush footed - 20 species
Lemon Pansy
Chocolate Pansy
Grey Pansy
Common leopard
Common crow
Blue tiger
Glassy tiger
Striped tiger
Plain tiger
Common Castor
Angled castor
Tawny coster
Danaid eggfly
Great eggfly
Common fivering
Bush brown sp
Common sailer
Common evening brown

White & yellows - 8 sp
Common Emigrant
Mottled emigrant
Indian wanderer in flight
Common gull
Common grass yellow
Spotless grass yellow
Small grass yellow
Albatross flight

Swallowtails - 6 species
Common Mormon
Blue Mormon
Tailed Jay
Red Helen
Blue bottle in flight

Total 50 species observed.

Also got common leopard egg laying & one larvae.
Angled Pierrot larvae
Egg laying of common crow
Courtship display of common Mormon & Glassy tiger.

Will post the photos slowly 😀

Happy Butterflying to all 🦋🦋

Posted on 21 de setembro de 2022, 04:39 PM by pavandamoor pavandamoor


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