100th American Bird Species!

Yesterday my wife & I headed out to the Deer Island Water Treatment Plant (which is conveniently surrounded by a seafront walk and parkland), because nothing says romance like taking your partner birding at a sewage plant.

Among the species we spotted was the Surf Scoter, which is the 100th species of bird which I've photographed in the wild since relocating to the USA in late 2019.

Back in May last year, I picked up my DSLR for the first time in 10 years to photograph the warblers that were visiting the tree outside of our apartment window, and adding a bright point to the start of what has proven to be a very long COVID lockdown. New kit followed fairly rapidly and soon my wife and I were heading out weekly with our cameras. Once I'd learned enough to be useful I wrote up Some Notes on DSLR Wildlife Photography, and just kept photographing, logging and learning,

More of these species are still waiting to be uploaded to iNaturalist, and I'll continue to rely on the community here to help confirm IDs. Particularly gulls. How on earth does anyone reliably differentiate gulls??

Posted on 08 de fevereiro de 2021, 12:06 AM by parsingphase parsingphase


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