UVM 2022 Ornithology 5

Date: 03/20/22
Time: 8:52am-10:08am
Weather: 47 degrees and overcast
Location: Centennial Woods

*Ring-billed Gull

  • 6 individuals, soaring and 2 sitting on top of resident hall
    *Black-capped Chickadee

  • 4 individuals foraging in a group on the ground
    *Pileated Woodpecker

  • 1 individual drumming on a tree
    *American Robin

  • 1 individual singing in a tree
    *Downy Woodpecker

  • 2 individuals; 1 calling from tree and a second responding
    *White-breasted Nuthatch

  • 1 individual crawling up and down a tree
    *Barred Owl

  • 2 individuals performing courtship duet
    *Red-winged Blackbird

  • 3 individual males singing
    *Canada Goose

  • around 102 individuals; mostly flying in V shapes and 2 swimming
    *American Crow

  • 3 individuals flying overhead
    *House Sparrow

  • 2 individuals; male and female pair singing

Several of the birds were found very close to the entrance of Centennial Woods and were observed in the riparian areas close to urban development. The Pileated Woodpecker was observed originally drumming on a stump while sitting on the ground before it noticed me and flew into a tree. The Black-capped Chickadees were foraging in a group and occasionally chasing each other through the underbrush. I heard the Barred Owl before I saw it. I only saw one but I could hear the response of a second one farther into the trees. I knew that the sounds I was hearing belonged to a Barred Owl but in my research afterwards, I found reference to the type of "laughing" noise as being part of courtship and bonding duets. So far, there are still only male Red-winged Blackbirds at the pond outside of Centennial Woods and they are working on staking out territory before the females arrive.
Most of the species observed were residents and don't generally migrate. This includes American Robins and Black-capped Chickadees. Robins are able to significantly fluff out their feathers in order to minimize the amount of body heat lost. In addition, they feed primarily on remaining fruit and seeds in the winter and don't suffer too much of a food shortage. Black-capped Chickadees are able to huddle together for warmth in cavities for the winter to prevent heat loss. In addition, they have been observed caching food items in order to make it through food shortages.
Facultative migrants are species that are usually short distance migrants that are more attuned to local conditions and can slightly alter migration patterns. The three facultative migrant species observed were Ring-billed Gull, Red-winged Blackbird, and Canada Goose. While the Canada Goose can be long distance migrants in many parts of the country, they are residents in much of Vermont. Here in Burlington, mass migrations have been observed and are likely short distance. They commonly migrate up north once the weather has warmed enough to thaw out the lakes and other bodies of water. Ring-billed Gulls are also facultative migrants and migrate north for much of the same reason as Canada Geese. They are able to find food easier once the weather in the north has turned for the warmer. Lastly, the Red-winged Blackbirds are facultative migrants. The males migrant north before the females do and they wait until the bodies of water have thawed as they usually make their territories around water. The females migrate north a little later so that they can focus on breeding and there is enough food to sustain the larger population.
Mini Activity
Ring-billed Gulls overwinter throughout most of the southern US. The distance from Florida to Burlington is around 1,200 miles. However, they also can overwinter as close as 20 miles away in Massachusetts. Canada Geese overwinter in the southwestern part of the US. The distance from Texas to Burlington is about 1,600 miles. However, they can also be resident as close as about 100 miles in Manchester, VT. Red-winged Blackbirds overwinter in northern Mexico and Baja California. The distance from Baja California to Burlington is about 2,500 miles. However they can be residents as close as about 100 miles in Manchester, VT.

Posted on 27 de março de 2022, 07:04 PM by lnolaker lnolaker


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