
Another quick jaunt around Presque Isle for me today. It was sunny, a stiff wind and 38*F. Not as many ducks in the bay as on 3/28/2013 but quite a few gulls, mostly adult ring-bills. I saw some turtles basking on a log in the pond right before the Ranger Station! Spring is here hopefully! Unfortunately the turtles dove into the water upon my approach and I was unable to get a pic or identify them. They were rather small though. Canadian geese have paired up to the point were I can be sure of encountering them in their chosen locations, at least in areas accessible by vehicle. I did not go deep into the lagoons. I came upon a Tundra Swan in a grassy picnic area by the Lagoon Boat Launch. I approached it to within ~8 feet and it made no effort to get away from me....and only slightly alarmed. It was sitting in the sun preening. Beach 11 to Gull Point still harbors large numbers of gulls and ducks. I didn't make any effort to identify them. The majority of the ice dunes on the beaches are gone.

Posted on 01 de abril de 2013, 10:19 PM by jeanettegirosky jeanettegirosky


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