
Had to do some quick birding so I didn't get to stop everywhere I wanted. I didn't record all my species here....Presque Isle Bay was full of ducks....Great and Lesser Scaups, Buffleheads, Red-Headed Ducks, American Coots, Red-breasted Mergansers, Golden-Eye and a few Mallards. The majority of the ducks are Coots and Scaups, with Lesser Scaups being more common. I would estimate there were about 3000 ducks. They were mostly in the cattails at the head of the bay but stretched out to Vista 3, with little flocks all along the bay. I didn't take any pictures because they were out of camera range. There were hardly any gulls...a few Herring Gulls fishing was all. Saw the 3 Mute Swans also.

There are still dead Gizzard Shad lining the shores of the bay and into the lagoons. I stopped at East Pier and noticed not only a Largemouth Bass, but also a brown bullhead and a number of Sheephead have washed up. I took a pic of Canadian Geese....they were the only pair there and not so afraid of me this time.

On my way to Beach 11, I noticed a lack of birds towards Perry Monument. Just a few geese. When I got to Beach 11 however, there were more sea gulls then I could possibly count. Bonaparte, Ring-billed, Little, and Herring gulls....mostly adult. They were stretched from beach 11 to Gull Point, and there must have been in excess of 50,000. Additionally there were all the same ducks as in the bay, with bigger flocks of mergansers. The male mergansers were chasing each other back and forth in the water, and were quite comical! There was also about 100 Tundra Swans.

There were many gulls all around the lake side of the park and I saw the Great Black-backed gulls on the breakwater at Sunset Point and came to a screeching halt. I am positive in my ID, though the picture isn't the best. They were mixed in with large flocks of Ring-billed Gulls.

Leaving the park, I saw a White-tail deer at the turn to Beach 6.

It was cold, 37*F, with a stiff wind and mostly cloudy with some light rain.

Posted on 29 de março de 2013, 12:46 AM by jeanettegirosky jeanettegirosky


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