Targets for this year

For this year I have specific wildlife targets which I would like to see

I'm actively searching for a white frog seen around Cambridge last spring- hopefully it is still alive and returns to spawn. I also hoped to one day visit the pool frogs at Thompson Common.
Regarding orchids, my biggest wish is to see the chalk fragrant-orchid, which eluded me last year. I also intend to visit two of the three UK reserves home to the white morph of early marsh orchid to see the plant, as well as reserves where burnt-tip orchid and fen orchid grow, as well as check the Cambridge colonies of bee, common spotted, marsh and pyramidal orchids as well as white helleborine.
Bird-wise, I hope to see northern goshawk, spoonbill, osprey, tawny owl in the UK
Regarding fungi, hopefully the chicken of the woods grows in big quantities in Paradise LNR again for me to eat

Posted on 17 de março de 2022, 12:25 AM by hypercolius hypercolius


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