Red Fox in Choctaw

Today at dusk [about 9 pm] a young red fox ran across the SE 15 coming from the North going South just before the intersection of 15th and Choctaw Road.

I have seen lots of coyotes out here, but never foxes. It looked very thin. It appeared to have something in it's mouth. I have no idea if it were animal or vegetable or even a bit of garbage?

According to older accounts regarding the range of Red Foxes, they seem more common in the ozark-type woodland areas, rather than in the grasslands where this one was spotted:

Here is a site about red foxes from Cornell

The drought has been causing mice to come into the house. We have been trapping a lot of them. I wonder if the foxes are following the mice into town?

Posted on 21 de julho de 2011, 04:07 AM by greenmother greenmother


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