Extra Credit

Date: 8 May 2021
Time: 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Location: Waterbury Reservoir
Weather: Cloudy ~45ºF
Habitat: There was a freshwater reservoir in this area that allowed boating (with or without and engine). The entire reservoir was surrounded by a mostly coniferous wooded areas with many pines and hemlock trees. There were very few open areas of grass land that had a 15 m diameter with long grass growing in it. The ground was mostly covered by pine needles, pinecones, and moss. Close to the water’s edge was rocky. There was a small marshy area with an alcove off of the reservoir.

I took my boyfriend Derrick out birding. He loves being in the outdoors biking, hunting, and fishing, but doesn’t know much about birds and never really paid any attention to them. He really liked listening to the birds and then asking me what it was (like I know every bird ever). He was really interested in the Black-capped Chickadee that was fluttering around near us jumping from limb to limb presumably looking for insects to eat. He also found it very entertaining when I talked to the birds or when I whistle, and something actually responds. We did hear a Barred Owl call a few different instances, but I didn’t catch any of them on audio, but Derrick thought that was cool too. I think he is most interested or likes it the most when the birds are either big or it is close enough to see easily. He had an overall good time (we were also fishing at the same time so that helps), but I don’t think he would go out and just sit and wait/look for birds. He would probably just enjoy it while doing something else for another purpose.


Posted on 09 de maio de 2021, 05:56 PM by catherinegullo22 catherinegullo22



Fotos / Sons


Aves (Classe Aves)




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Fotos / Sons


Rabo-de-Quilha (Quiscalus quiscula)




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Fotos / Sons


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