303-British Ecological Society

  1. Protected areas and nature recovery in the UK
    The launch event for a new report from the British Ecological Society examining Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s pledge to protect 30% of UK land and seas by 2030 to support nature recovery.

    Read the report from Fri 22 Apr: https://www.britishecologicalsociety....

    Protected areas and nature recovery in the UK

  2. Insectageddon: is global insect extinction real?

    News headlines in recent years have proclaimed that over 40% of all insect species are in decline, and many approach extinction. But are these numbers correct? Is the reality better, or even much worse, than we think?

    Entomologist, broadcaster, and author Professor Adam Hart leads a panel debate of international insect experts to discuss these headlines, crunch the numbers and analyse the fact and fiction behind global insect extinction.

    Join Adam alongside National Museums Scotland entomology collection curator Ashleigh Whiffin, insect decline ecologist Dr Manu Saunders, and biodiversity specialist Dr Nick Isaac to find out the latest on this contentious and vital issue and ask your questions to the panel.

    Organised by the British Ecological Society in association with the Royal Entomological Society for celebrating ‘Insect Week’

    Our panel:
    Adam Hart is an entomologist, Trustee of the Royal Entomological Society, and Professor of Science Communication at the University of Gloucestershire. As well as research and teaching, he is a regular broadcaster for BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service, presenting documentaries on topics from trophy hunting to tree diseases. He has also presented the weekly science program Science in Action for the BBC World Service. On television, Adam has co-presented several documentary series, most notably BBC4’s Planet Ant and BBC2’s Hive Alive. Adam is also an author of many popular science books, including ‘Unfit for Purpose: when human evolution collides with the modern world’

    Dr Nick Isaac is a macroecologist at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. His research team develops methods for the analysis of biodiversity data, including for unstructured occurrence records and for biodiversity indicators. His research describes trends in biodiversity and investigates the causes of these trends, mostly using data on UK invertebrates.

    Ashleigh Whiffin is Assistant Curator of Entomology at National Museums Scotland, responsible for the care and development of the insect collection, containing approximately 2.5 million specimens. Her research focuses around carrion ecology, specialising on Carrion Beetles (which are vital for the decomposition of vertebrate remains), for which she also co-organises a National Recording Scheme for. She works closely with several entomological groups to promote her subject, including working with the Royal Entomological Society’s Outreach & Development committee and is the current Chair of Edinburgh Entomological Club; and internationally, she is co-communications officer for the Entomological Collections Network.

    Dr Manu Saunders is a Lecturer in Ecology at the University of New England, Armidale, Australia. Manu has published critical articles about the widely reported ‘insect apocalypse’. Her research focuses largely on how insects create links between habitats and people, and how land use changes and agricultural management influences biodiversity and ecosystem processes at local and landscape scales. Manu is also a science communicator, and founder of ‘Wild Pollinator Count’, a non-profit organisation promoting evidence-based conservation of native pollinator insects across Oceania.

    Birds by Scandinavianz https://soundcloud.com/scandinavianz
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/Birds-Scandinavianz
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/4iknKLfV2X8

    Track: Voyage — Lahar [Audio Library Release]
    Music provided by Audio Library Plus
    Watch: https://youtu.be/8LWDfSBRzo4
    Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/voyage

    Lioness (Instrumental) by DayFox https://soundcloud.com/dayfox
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/lioness-instrumental
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/ZATMh49j49M

    Secrets (instrumental) by RYYZN https://soundcloud.com/ryyzn
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/secrets-i
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/8OrmpZtRl_U
    Insectageddon: is global insect extinction real?

  3. Ecology Live with Jason Tylianakis - Unravelling the web of life

    The British Ecological Society is broadcasting free online talks on the latest ecological research throughout Spring 2021. Sponsored by Oxford University Press

    Jason M. Tylianakis of University of Canterbury, New Zealand presents his talk 'Unravelling the web of life: species interactions in a changing world'

    Global environmental changes are driving species extinctions, which can influence ecosystem functioning. Many ecosystem processes involve interactions among many different species within a community, and these networks of interactions may be disrupted long before the species involved go extinct.

    "I’ll show how methods such as resource partitioning and trait matching can provide understanding of how network structure influences ecosystem functioning. Unfortunately, interaction networks can propagate environmental change effects across landscapes, but these influences may be predictable."

    These talks are aimed at anyone with an interest in the latest research in ecology and its applications, from undergraduates to working ecologists and research leaders. We have a full season of 12 exciting talks with world leading researchers, so register here to enjoy them live: https://www.britishecologicalsociety....

    Ecology Live with Jason Tylianakis - Unravelling the web of life

  4. BES Festival of Ecology 2020 - Thematic Session: Nature-based Solutions - Woodlands

    BES Festival of Ecology 2020 - Thematic Session: Nature-based Solutions - Woodlands

  5. Land van Ons in de media
    Het Leidsch Dagblad laat de bollenteler van het beoogde perceel in Wassenaar aan het woord over de verschillende belangen die spelen en de sympathieke rol van Land van Ons daarin.

    Dagblad van het Noorden schreef vorige maand een artikel over het compostproject op Holtesch.
    Onze Boer Howard (Biesterhof) schreef een column in het regionale agrarisch vakblad Vee&Gewas over zichzelf als ‘vreemde eend’ in de bijt’

    Het Purmerends Dagblad schreef naar aanleiding van de Bijenmarkt Beemster over de inspanningen van Land van Ons

  6. Economieredacteur Peter de Waard legt uit hoe het komt dat de dollar en de euro nu bijna evenveel waard zijn. En aandacht voor het Europese land dat het verst van Rusland af ligt: Spanje. Correspondent Dion Mebius vertelt waarom de linkse Spaanse regering wel wapens levert, maar dat niet van harte doet.
  7. Waterstof, duizenddingen-doekje van de energietransitie
    Uitgever:Change Inc.
    Waterstofproductie is een hot issue in het klimaatbeleid. Maar hoe bereik je de definitieve doorbraak van dit ‘duizenddingendoekje’ van de energietransitie? Een volwassen waterstofmarkt bestaat nog niet. Dat moet snel veranderen, vindt klimaatminister Rob Jetten. Maar hóe die markt vorm moet krijgen, dat is het hoofdthema in de derde aflevering van Change Report Talk.

  8. Bedankt voor het geduld! De monage duurt iets langer dan verwacht maar hieronder vind je de link om de studiedag te herbekijken:


    In bijlage vind je ook de gebundelde samenvattingen van de lezingen en de brochure met inzendingen van de 10 prijswinnaars van de schrijfwedstrijd 'het natuurbelevingsmoment van 2042'.

    Deze vind je, net als meer info over het programma, ook terug op www.westvlaamsemilieufederatie.be/natuurstudiedag

  9. De Polardag The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is an international and interdisciplinary organization for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, early faculty members, educators and others with interests in Polar Regions and the wider cryosphere. Our aims are to stimulate interdisciplinary and international research collaborations, and develop effective future leaders in polar research, education and outreach.


  10. https://www.asnbank.nl/beleggen/webinars/webinar-biodiversiteit-de-waarde-van-de-natuur.html
    n het 10e webinar spreekt Judith de Bruijn twee experts van ASN Bank. Roel Nozeman (duurzaamheidsexpert biodiversiteit) staat stil bij het belang van biodiversiteit en laat concrete voorbeelden zien van projecten die de natuur een steuntje in de rug geven. Karin van Dijk (fondsmanager ASN Biodiversiteitsfonds) legt uit hoe het in november gelanceerde beleggingsfonds bijdraagt aan natuurherstel. Vragen die aan bod komen zijn:

    Wat is biodiversiteit en hoe belangrijk is het?

    Hoe snel neemt de biodiversiteit af?

    Wat doet ASN Bank om het verlies aan biodiversiteit af te remmen?

    Hoe draagt het ASN Biodiversiteitsfonds bij aan natuurherstel?

    In welke projecten investeert het ASN Biodiversiteitsfonds?

  11. Bat Behaviour: North American Bats and White-Nose Syndrome
    Learn about the devastating disease threatening Manitoba's bats and how you can help in this CPAWS webinar with Dr. Craig Willis.

    In 2006, a microscopic fungus arrived in North America causing white-nose syndrome, a devastating fungal disease in bats, and one of the most drastic declines ever observed in an animal group.

    Since then, white-nose syndrome has killed tens of millions of bats. Mortality rates reached 100 per cent in some caves. And three species are now listed as endangered in Canada, including the little brown bat, previously the most abundant and widespread bat species in North America.

    Join us for a CPAWS Manitoba webinar with Dr. Craig Willis, Professor of Biology at the University of Winnipeg, whose bat lab has been studying white-nose syndrome for more than 15 years. He discusses the dangers of white-nose syndrome to Manitoba’s bats, the research being done to identify, protect, and improve critical bat habitats, and how you can get involved in monitoring bat populations in Manitoba.

    About the speaker

    Dr. Craig Willis is a Professor of Biology at the University of Winnipeg who has been studying the behaviour, ecology, and physiology of bats for over 20 years. His research on bats and white-nose syndrome has been covered by a range of national and international media including CBC's 'The Current' and 'Quirks and Quarks', CTV National News, the Guardian (UK), and the Los Angeles Times.

    How can we help?

    If you have any questions or require any additional accommodations to participate, please email us at outreach@cpawsmb.org.

    About CPAWS Manitoba:

    CPAWS Manitoba has been instrumental in establishing 22 new parks and protected areas in our province. That's an area larger than Lake Winnipeg at nearly 26,000 square kilometres. Our goal is to protect half of Manitoba’s lands and waters.

    --Lunch and Learns--

    Nature has been here for us during the pandemic.

    CPAWS Manitoba wants to maintain this positive connection to nature by providing a space for Manitobans to connect online from the safety of our homes and be inspired by nature in our backyards and beyond.

    Bat Behaviour: North American Bats and White-Nose Syndrome from CPAWS Manitoba on Vimeo.
    Join CPAWS Manitoba for weekly lunch and learn presentations from experts across the province who will share their knowledge and passion and bring new nature-inspired activities into our lives.

    *** This program is possible thanks to the generous support of The Winnipeg Foundation and the Conservation Trust, a Manitob
    Bat Behaviour: North American Bats and White-Nose Syndrome

  12. Ophogen lage gronden met Eems-Dollard slib

  13. The Field Museum in collaboration with iDigBio and the Natural Science Collections Alliance is pleased to announce the sixth annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference, to be hosted May 23-25, 2022. This year's event will again be virtual.
    Please watch for further announcements via several listservs and the conference announcement page : https://bit.ly/3FLSW1K

    The conference will again provide an important opportunity to explore digital data tools, techniques, research protocols, discoveries, and outcomes across all biodiversity research domains.

    For further information please contact Jill Goodwin (jgoodwin@floridamuseum.ufl.edu) or Gil Nelson (gnelson@floridamuseum.ufl.edu) at iDigBio.

    Digital Data Conference Registration Fees*:
    $100.00 for professionals

    $50.00 for students.
    Optional registration fees will support the digital format technology, the editing and publication of abstracts, and keeping the conference sustainable.
    *Registration fees are optional but encouraged. When registering, those who wish not to make a financial contribution to the conference will have that option. Although registration is optional, your registration information, even if you opt out of the fe

  14. https://bit.ly/3FLSW1K
  15. https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/6th_Annual_Digital_Data_Conference,_Field_Museum
  16. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SD-g0RGxVtcMBFYhx6yJ1yXQCBW67BEN67MYcNKAk9o/edit#gid=0
  17. Crowdsourcing platforms like eMammal (emammal.si.edu), Agouti (agouti.eu), and Zooniverse (www.zooniverse.org) function as collaborative portals to collect data from different projects and provide tools to volunteers to annotate images, e.g., with species labels of the individuals therein. Such platforms drastically reduce the cost of data processing (e.g., ref. 27 reports a reduction of seventy thousand dollars), but the rapid increase in the volume and velocity of data collection is making such approaches unsustainable. For exa
    https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-27980-y a The BirdNET algorithm61 was used to detect Carolina wren vocalizations in more than 35,000 h of passive acoustic monitoring data from Ithaca, New York, allowing researchers to document the gradual recovery of the population following a harsh winter season in 2015. b Machine-learning algorithms were used to analyze movement of savannah herbivores fitted with bio-logging devices in order to identify human threats. The method can localize human intruders to within 500 m, suggesting `sentinel animals' may be a useful tool in the fight against wildlife poaching148. c TRex, a new image-based tracking software, can track the movement and posture of hundreds of individually-recognized animals in real-time. Here the software has been used to visualize the formation of trails in a termite colony149. d, e Pose estimation software, such as DeepPoseKit (d)75 and DeepLabCut (e)74,142 allows researchers to track the body position of individual animals from video imagery, including drone footage, and estimate 3D postures in the wild. Panels b, c, and d are reproduced under CC BY 4.0 licenses. Panels b and d are cropped versions of the originals; the legend for panel b has been rewritten and reorganized. Panel e is reproduced with permission from Joska et

  18. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/arctic-bioscan-using-dna-to-track-biodiversity-in-canadas-north-tickets-322972909667
  19. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/arctic-bioscan-using-dna-to-track-biodiversity-in-canadas-north-tickets-322972909667
  1. https://www.heeldrenthezoemt.nl/nieuws/webinar-basiskwaliteit-natuur-drenthe/
    Op donderdag 17 februari 2022, het lijkt alweer jaren geleden met alles wat ondertussen gebeurt, vond het Webinar Basiskwaliteit Natuur Drenthe plaats. De ‘’basiskwaliteit natuur’’ gaat over de minimale kwaliteit van het landschap (inrichting), milieucondities en gebruik en beheer die nodig is om algemene soorten algemeen te laten worden, zijn en houden. Het realiseren van een basiskwaliteit is met name gericht op gebieden buiten de reeds beschermde natuurgebieden (Natuurnetwerk Nederland en Natura 2000-gebieden). https://www.heeldrenthezoemt.nl/nieuws/webinar-basiskwaliteit-natuur-drenthe/

  2. Inleiding op achtergrond basiskwaliteit natuur door Gerko Arkema, strategisch beleidsadviseur provincie Drenthe https://www.heeldrenthezoemt.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/WEBINAR-Basiskwaliteit-Natuur-Drenthe.pdf
  3. Toelichting rapport Basiskwaliteit Natuur Drenthe door Alie Alserda en Douwe Schut, ecologen ATKB|Buro Bakker https://www.heeldrenthezoemt.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Presentatie-Basiskwaliteit-Natuur-Drenthe-ATKB.pdf
  4. Gesprek over het rapport en haar toepassingsmogelijkheden
    Toelichting op kansen binnen programma Soortenrijk Drenthe door Mark Ronda, programmaleider Soortenrijk Drenthe provincie Drenthe https://www.heeldrenthezoemt.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Presentatie-Soortenrijk-Drenthe.pdf
    Discussie en het verkennen van vervolgstappen

  • Posted on 16 de maio de 2022, 02:49 PM by ahospers ahospers


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