Russell's Viper

Daboia russelii

Description 3


  • Highly Venomous Viperine
  • Part of Big 4 : High frequency of snakebites due to presence near human habitations.
  • Hemotoxic Venom : Swelling, Bleeding, Tissue Damage, Possible Kidney Failure, Potential Death
  • Venom not highly potent, but large doses are injected which make it potentially fatal.
  • Not pit vipers, but do have some kind of heat-sensing organ. Able to react to thermal cues.


  • Yellowish-brown body with 3 rows of a unique Chain Pattern bordered by black rings
  • Sluggish, stout, robust body with Heavily Keeled Scales.
  • Flattened, triangular head distinct from neck. Head has a V like pattern.
  • White belly and sometimes speckled, depends on geographical range.
  • Vertical pupils like all vipers and have very large fangs.
  • Grow to 3-5 feet on average. Mistaken for common sand boas and juvenile pythons.


  • Common throughout peninsular India. Rare in the Northeast.
  • Inhabit open bushy areas, scrub jungles and rocky terrain.
  • Usually avoid wet environments and dense rainforests.
  • Hides in Rock crevices, thick bushes and leaves.
  • In hot temperatures, found in Termite mounds and rodent burrows


  • Primarily feed on rodents and sometimes lizards.
  • Juveniles feed on small reptiles and known to be cannibalistic.
  • Entirely terrestrial and Nocturnal and more active during dusk
  • Seen basking during the daytime in winters.
  • When threatened produces a very loud whistle like hiss and coils up.
  • Very aggressive if harassed. Will bite if in strike range which is quite big.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Yu Ching Tam, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), uploaded by Yu Ching Tam
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  3. (c) Vinay Gogula, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Found Common
Toxicity Venomous