So begins day 3 with another dawn chorus

The dawn chorus is back with the robins and chickadees and the sky does not look so laden with rain. Yesterday's Cable Bay Trail walk was a great success. More than 30 people came and learned more about the amazing diversity and beauty of Cable Bay and enjoyed the veggie burgers at the trail head. People from all over the island and the world came were encouraged to upload their pictures into iNaturalist for the BioBlitz. Hopefully more people will get out to the other parks in the next 2 days.

Posted on 28 de abril de 2024, 01:05 PM by nikkitoxopeus nikkitoxopeus


Good job Nikki and YES. Good to hear there was such a great turnout. Thanks for organizing and all those who came out / contributed

Publicado por gregferguson cerca de 1 mês antes

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