University of York Alumni Sustainability Network's Boletim

Arquivos de periódicos de março 2024

28 de março de 2024

York alumni, join us at City Nature Challenge!

This year the Alumni Sustainability Network will be organising a series of nature based activities that aim to benefit the local environment as well as giving a wellbeing boost from being outside in nature.

Our first Alumni Action Day is City Nature Challenge. It is a 4-day worldwide bioblitz-style competition where cities are in a friendly contest with each other to see who can make the most observations of nature, who can find the most species and who can engage the most people!

All you need is a smartphone and the iNaturalist app; a free app you can use anytime for your daily wildlife observation - take photos or record sounds of wildlife, including wild animals, insects, fungi and plants.

Everyone can take part in City Nature Challenge from anywhere in the world. The observations made during the City Nature Challenge will be used for research to understand biodiversity of the area. York is joining the City Nature Challenge for the first time this year and there will be a lot of group observation events during the period. (

Take part in City Nature Challenge and share your observations with fellow alumni via “University of York Alumni Sustainability Network” project (!

  1. Download the iNaturalist app on your phone or tablet
  2. Make your account
  3. Search participating cities from
    3a. If your city is participating, just join "University of York Alumni Sustainability Network project”.
    3b. If your city is not participating, join 1) "Global Project" and 2) University of York Alumni Sustainability Network project"

  4. Observe - take photos or sounds of any wildlife, intensively from Friday 26 to Monday 29 April!

We hope you’ll enjoy it. We look forward to seeing your observations!

University of York Alumni Sustainability Network Project:
iNaturalist Global Project:
Global City Natyre Challenge Webpage:

Posted on 28 de março de 2024, 12:10 PM by aikomh aikomh | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
