Arquivos de periódicos de abril 2024

29 de abril de 2024

Cedarwood Trail

Very glad to have encountered so many native species. There is at times a tell that a species is introduced—a certain disharmony... Uvularia sessilifolia and Symplocarpus foetidus, on the other hand, are as if the glory of this place discovered and discreetly unveiled...

I also saw one or two red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus). For some days now I have been hearing their song, which I am well acquainted with (given I bought a plush of this bird with a playable recording of its song for my mom, and I could never resist the urge to activate it), but I never matched the two. The moment I saw the bird this afternoon—before I had even seen the red, for this species has a particularly recognizable shape—I knew.

Posted on 29 de abril de 2024, 01:09 AM by tparadox22 tparadox22 | 3 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
