Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Cacatuidae. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Calyptorhynchus 71678

Taxonomic Split 118511 (Submetido em 01-01-2023)

Adicionado(s) por maxkirsch em 12 de dezembro de 2022, 05:27 PM | Committed by maxkirsch on 01 de janeiro de 2023
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@maxkirsch didn't this change already occur a few weeks ago?

Publicado por thebeachcomber mais de 1 ano antes

@thebeachcomber the three relevant species were indeed moved to Zanda maybe a month ago or so, and the genus Calyptorhynchus should've been split at the same time since the majority of previous genus-level Calyptorhynchus IDs didn't refer specifically to red-tailed/glossy, but the genus was instead left as is, making many if not most old Calyptorhynchus IDs no longer accurate, leaving many conflicting with species-level IDs of species now in Zanda, etc. Some people did make an effort to manually go through and change relevant IDs to Zanda, but any IDs by inactive/unresponsive/etc. users (or any that happened to be overlooked in the manual revisions) remained stuck at Calyptorhynchus. Looks like this split, by automatically removing those unintended conflicts, moved nearly 300 observations to Zanda (only shifting around 50 Calyptorhynchus observations up to family level in return; looking through those newly family-level Cacatuidae observations now, I don't see very many that can/should be brought back to Calyptorhynchus).
(Pitangus was a similar case outside Australia, although even more extreme since, with the breakup of the formerly two-species Pitangus into two monotypic genera, not a single unidentified kiskadee ID remains applicable to Pitangus sensu stricto)

Publicado por maxkirsch mais de 1 ano antes

thanks for clarifying, shame they weren't split at the same time

Publicado por thebeachcomber mais de 1 ano antes

@maxkirsch Note in contention to the HBW edited by Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, Jordi Sargatal and David A. Christie. (2016), the Western Australian Museum has retained Calyptorhynchus as the genus with Zanda being a subspecies. The Carnaby's Cockatoo Recovery Plan, Recovery Team and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Western Australia continue to use the WA Museum 2021 checklist as the reference for the scientific name for this species.

Publicado por deonutber mais de 1 ano antes

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