Arquivos de periódicos de fevereiro 2023

01 de fevereiro de 2023

This time it really works

I checked a project download today more carefully and either the download bug is fixed or it is inconsistent, because this round the obscured coordinates for project participants are definitely available to me.

Thanks so much participants! If you know of other interested observers get them to join!

  • James
Posted on 01 de fevereiro de 2023, 02:30 PM by jhorthos jhorthos | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

06 de fevereiro de 2023

15 de fevereiro de 2023

Serpentine Maps

I have put a lot of work into improving maps of exposed ultramafic (serpentine) rocks in California, Oregon, and Washington. Anyone who knows a local area is invited to help (you can just advise me - I will handle all the map generation).

One example is shown at

Posted on 15 de fevereiro de 2023, 06:42 PM by jhorthos jhorthos | 12 comentários | Deixar um comentário

Craters of Moon, Black Hills, etc

Buffalo Gap Trail just north of Badlands Nat Park

Black Hills/Wind Cave: Centennial Trail, Highway 87 to Highland Creek Trailhead, looks like on Nat Park land, but also runs north on Centennial Trail: Custer State Park to French Creek Horse Camp

Lava east of Craters of Moon: Twentymile Lava Trail

Bighorns: Tongue River Canyon

John Day - unnamed track head -119.0376772718113, 44.44240819736461 (serpentine, Route 395 to county road 32 to Blue Heron Road)

John Day - unnamed track head -119.0074082595789, 44.42496561665239 (serpentine, Route 26 to Damon Road to unnamed dirt road)

John Day - backroads just west of Route 395 as it goes south of John Day.

Copper Creek Trail (unofficial?) near Unity OR, just off Route 26.

Myriopteris intertexta - Allison Canyon near Macks Canyon Recreation Area on Deschutes River, "trail" head at -120.8756790471306, 45.38839707958857

Posted on 15 de fevereiro de 2023, 08:18 PM by jhorthos jhorthos | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

16 de fevereiro de 2023

Recognizing Serpentine

Most project members will probably know all this stuff, but for those who don't or who stumble on the project, here is a guide to recognizing serpentine on hikes.

Posted on 16 de fevereiro de 2023, 11:15 PM by jhorthos jhorthos | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

24 de fevereiro de 2023

27 de fevereiro de 2023

Poa curtifolia

Short angular grass with thick leaves, endemic to Wenatchee Serpentine. Widespread and common on relatively barren serpentine in higher parts of Wenatchee mountains, including near Lake Ann, Iron Peak, Longs Pass, upper Stafford Creek, and probably many other locations since I have found it any time there is suitable habitat. Roughly coextensive with Lomatium cuspidatum.

Easily recognized based on location on serpentine, very low growth, firm thick angular leaves, and usually bluish color. The only other roughly similar grass I have seen in the area is an Elmyrus species, with many distinguishing features, most obviously much thinner flexible ("grasslike") leaves.

Collar prominent, yellow to pale. Blade at 70-90 deg angle to stem. Blade folded, maturing to flattened at base, with pale edges and prominent pale veins, firm and thick, 1.5-3 mm wide, terminating in blunt closed keel. Ligule (sheath around stem just above base of leaf) membranous and prominent. Auricle (stem clasping extension of collar) absent.

exceedingly technical description:

Probably present in various other observations: (maybe) (lower right, maybe)

Posted on 27 de fevereiro de 2023, 12:35 AM by jhorthos jhorthos | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário

28 de fevereiro de 2023

Epilobium on serpentine

Mostly from drew_meyer:

E. rigidum vs. E. siskiyouense:

E. siskiyouense has smaller, more lanceolate leaves, with the broadest part of the leaf closer to the base and sessile (no petiole, tending to clasp stem with leaf base). E. rigidum has larger, more ovate leaves with the broadest part right in the middle and short but clear petioles.

There are other differences too, such as the leaf color/texture (E. siskiyouense is generally less glaucous). It also seems like E. siskiyouense has a distribution more to the southeast while E. rigidum is associated with the Josephine Ophiolite (coastal most part of Klamath).

E. rigidum has darker rose to red calyx. E. rigidum is larger in all respects but hard to tell unless photo has ruler.

Similar Epilobium obcordatum has sessile leaves and a wider range and is not found on serpentine (0/266 iNat observations).

Posted on 28 de fevereiro de 2023, 02:37 PM by jhorthos jhorthos | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário