Celebrate with us at City Nature Challenge Results Night

One of the outcomes of the City Nature Challenge that people asked for was the chance to bring the online iNaturalist NZ community together IRL.

The City Nature Challenge results night is that opportunity!

Time & location: Tuesday 7 May TSB Space | Tautoru, Level 1, Tūranga, 6pm – 7.30pm

Come celebrate our success with the team behind the City Nature Challenge and find out… did we beat Wellington?

We invite our local online community of iNaturalists to get together in person, connect and network with like-minded nature lovers.

The results of the Global Challenge will be shared as well as spotlighting on our local heroes.

We have been provided some amazing prizes by our sponsors, which will be awarded for several categories including:

*Most observations

*Most observations by Rangatahi (13-24)

*Most observations New iNat user (last 3 months)

*Most species

*Most unusual plant find

*Most unusual animal find

A big thank you to our prize sponsors, Lincoln University, Canterbury University Press, Trees for Canterbury and Canterbury Horticultural Society, Christchurch City Council Libraries and Parks.

Stay for drinks and nibbles and networking after the prize-giving.

Entry is free but please register here so we know how many to cater for.

Posted on 30 de abril de 2024, 07:53 AM by gini_x gini_x


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