Thank you for taking part in the City Nature Challenge!

We made 213 observations of 140 different species during this year's City Nature Challenge - what an achievement! I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. All the observations we made from 26 and 29 April will be used for research to understand biodiversity of the area and we should all be proud to be part of the worldwide bioblitz.

You can still upload your observations made during the City Nature Challenge until the 5th May 2024. Also please keep posting your observations using iNaturalist any time of the year as we love seeing your observations from across the world.

We'll announce our duck give-a-way competition winners after 5 May.

Thank you again for your participation!

University of York Sustainability Network

Posted on 30 de abril de 2024, 01:31 PM by aikomh aikomh


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